
She woke up feeling something wrong...
'Maybe I feel too much'... She thought...
Or maybe I harp on the wrong ones all along...

She tried to overlap her insides with the exuberance outside...
But she failed to latch... There was a weird mismatch...

Maybe she was a little too sensitive...
The feelings were a little paralyzing...
A little gnawing...
A little igniting...
And a lot perplexing...

But the emptiness was a little obvious...
Is emptiness really empty? Or is it the completeness crying out for fulfilment...
roaring acoustically...

She tried to outline the human-shaped emptiness inside her...
Trying to sense the aura...
Was it really inside her...
Or an abstract outside her world...
Chasing her all-over...

Was it really the shape of a human?...
She agreed to disagree...
She dived deeper and said...
'Maybe these are the unhealed parts of me'......!!

By: Shreya Basu
© Quotidian Tales


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