The indefatigable human spirit can conquer any opponent. You just need to believe in it.
She is my Mummy. She is a Mummy to many more. She is not my biological mother. And that makes the relationship beautiful and unique.

She is alive, throbbing and thrusting. Embracing every minute with the intensity of conquering it. And everything she does is nothing short of a celebration. Be it her love for nature or her desire to dance in the rain. Seriously, she becomes a kid when she sees the skies open up! She gets drenched to the bones whenever she gets a chance to do so.

"You can even turn grass, tasty!”
"How do you quote the perfect lines for every situation? "
Many such compliments were received with an unblemished smile. A humble confession followed. “Flattery will get me nowhere."
She loves to read and watch movies. Her likings, interestingly, span over the entire spectrum. A Tintin comic is as engaging as Wings of Fire (an autobiography of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam) or even a book on Swami Vivekananda. Movies of the yesteryears are as much a watch as the recent Gen Y ones. But yes, of course, Guru Dutt finds a special place in her heart. Pyaasa by Guru Dutt is one of her favourites. Her interest in movies is often used to advantage when she feels a little low or weak. Movies like Wall-E or Up can lift her spirits like nothing else.

Today as I sit miles apart, I feel helpless. I can't do anything to lessen her pain or give her comfort. But my words, perhaps, can make her smile. A girl sitting somewhere on this planet loves you. And that is all I can offer her.
Wonderful as Mummy is, she is surrounded by people who truly love her. They have not only taken good care of her but firmly stood by her side during her worst hours. Western countries have a facility named “Hospice”. It is for critically ailing patients. It offers customised hospital care that prioritises the patient’s emotional needs as much as their medical ones. It helps the patients to live the last few days of his life like a dream. Do everything that he loves. Mummy’s caregivers have created the essence of a hospice in their home. And it's beautiful. Beyond words. She gets to have a facial, do her artwork, visit her home or take a respite amidst nature. Everything is tailored strictly within the permissible limits of her health condition.
My salute to all caregivers. You make even a dreadful disease look trifle. You inspire many others who are fighting with their loved ones. A warrior, after all, needs equally abled soldiers. A soldier outside and a traveller within, is who you are. I am reminded of the song, ‘What a Wonderful World’ by the American trumpeter and vocalist, Daniel Louis Armstrong.
A special mention of Nani (grandmother). It needs immense strength and courage to see your own child struggling and coping with incomprehensible pain. To accept a hopeless future is a daunting step further. She didn’t spare a moment away from Mummy since the time the news came in. Even today, Nani is Mummy’s shadow.

Life is too short for regrets. No matter who your opponent is, believe in yourself and put up your best fight. Whether you win or lose, matters not. I learnt this from Mummy.
The team of Quotidian Tales loves you. We got to know about you as a person and have fallen in love with you. Wish you less pain and more joy.
By: Sanhita Sinha
Photo courtesy: Family members
This article and the opinions expressed in it are personal opinions. It is not meant for imposing specific views or endorsing a particular way of life. Also please do ignore any errors or omissions that you might come across. We pledge to learn from them. Happy viewing.
An inspection to many. Her good health is in our prayers.