Who Smarted?

The Super-Fun Educational Podcast For Elementary School Kids

Does it seem like your kids are glued to screens all day, round the clock? And being mindful about it makes you miserable.

The perfect getaway for you and your kid is - Who Smarted?

A kid cartoon

From the Emmy-nominated producers of Brain Games and Brainchild comes Who Smarted. It's the podcast that uses humour, storytelling, and interactive games to help answer cool questions and teaches kids amazing fun facts almost about any topic. It delivers the infallible means to engage your child.

And now, how does all of this work?

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday a joyful and funfilled episode of Who Smarted airs on. It teaches more than just fun and facts, but also critical thinking skills. Each bite-sized episode is only 12 minutes long, perfect for kid-sized attention spans. But just enough time for them to learn and give Mom & Dad a little break.

Even a piece of better news for Mom and Dad! It's now available on iTunes - Apple podcast, Google podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and OvercastFM. Just tune in anywhere in one click to satiate your curious little one as he unravels the fun in discovering how the world around him works.

Along with every episode, you can also subscribe to their regular email list that encompasses whatever your child learns. You also get additional information to share with them on the topic and even home activities to engage their mind.

We love Who Smarted and couldn't resist sharing their podcast with you. Have you ever wanted to know more about dogs, pizza, volcanoes, sound effects, skateboarding or the moon? Well, get ready for a big whiff of science and history on the most recent episode of Who Smarted?

By: Quotidian Tales

This article and the opinions expressed in it are personal opinions. It is not meant for imposing specific views or endorsing a particular way of life. Also please do ignore any errors or omissions that you might come across. We pledge to learn from them. Happy viewing.


Nelly said…
My daughter is not on the screen all day, but this is related to a lot of crying for more than 2 years now. I'm trying not to lose my mind in the process as for me, it's really important to teach her limits. Thanks for sharing this useful post! This podcast seems to be a great alternative to watching.

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