A Note from a Traveller

Travelling makes us fall in love with life. As we travel, we are born again, and it gives us new purposes and motives. We begin to appreciate life.

Lady admiring a beautiful lake

When the confines of our homes make life monotonous and dull, travel provides the adventure and thrill we need. It excites us.

It's the saying 'What gives value to travel is FEAR' by the great writer Albert Camus. Yes, it's the fear of the unknown, uncertainty, getting lost. Everything becomes unpredictable when you hit the road, and you don't know what's next awaiting you. It enriches our knowledge of ourselves while we explore the recesses of our minds and understand our moods. It makes us overcome fear and show us our capability!

It is not only about the fancy attire or a colourful photograph posted on the social platform. But, it's also about making memories, gathering stories, appreciating the beauty of a place and finally to become a storyteller for the rest of your life, cherishing those experiences.

When we travel to unknown places and meet new people, we get exposed to their culture, in turn gathering a deep understanding of humanity. It makes us more kind and empathetic. It makes us more organised, and we also learn to adapt. We know we can not pack the whole room while travelling, so we choose what's needed to get going and when we are out of the comfort of our home, we start to adjust. Adjust with other people and cultures, the climates, the foods, the toilet, in every possible way we learn to compromise. When we travel, no one checks out which background we are coming from, what profession we are in or which community we belong to - it is the same for everyone. We are being called TRAVELLERS, the only identity.


Travelling is not always about visiting new places, but seeing them with new eyes or simply through fresh perspectives and experiences. Finally, when we return home, it's full of positive vibes and a whole lot of experience to grow a LITTLE MORE EACH TIME.

Amrita Jana

Hello all !! I am Amrita ..travel enthusiast, Bengali, residing in Bangalore. To read more travel stories and to know more about day trips or weekend getaways you can follow my Facebook page.

You can also check our travel vlog on YouTube

By: Amrita Jana (Guest writer)

This article and the opinions expressed in it are personal opinions. It is not meant for imposing specific views or endorsing a particular way of life. Also please do ignore any errors or omissions that you might come across. We pledge to learn from them. Happy viewing.


Unknown said…
You are a great storyteller. Enjoyed the article and indeed travelling helps us to heal.
Unknown said…
It was a wonderful read through out, specially I just liked the way adapting to new places and situations was highlighted by you!!
Deblina Nayak said…
Really delighted to read the article..I remember being a child we used to write essays on" Travelling is a part of education", and this saying is totally justified in your writing..
Deepti said…
Great going Amrita! Appreciate your writing skills. Do travel more and write in detail about the places you cover.. who knows one day you will be brand ambassador for India tourism.. we are lucky to be born as Indian and can explore our diverse habitat.. After this pandemic, everyday is passing in gratitude to be alive!! Soon we will be out of this cocoon and see our beautiful nature with family.. and will use ur page to follow where to go.
Pooja Jana said…
What an excellent piece of writing!! So far enjoyed your vlogs and now will be waiting to read the write ups of your wonderful experiences.. after all travelling is there in our genes as we have evolved from nomads.. (courtesy: Sapiens)
Excellent writing Amrita. Thoroughly enjoyed… Keep up the good work 👍
Joita08 said…
Beautifully written Amrita. Love seeing all your travel pictures and reading about them. Keep creating more memories and penning them. 😊
Dipsy said…
Great read Amrita 👍🏼😊
Every word rings true! Way to go traveller 👍🛤️
Unknown said…
Really good read Amrita , great going !

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