Book Review : 101 Tips to Lighten your Burden

Direct, Simple and Relatable

In a world where you find your existence beset with struggles and strife, 101 Tips To Lighten Your Burden by Jennifer Bonn is the perfect book to pick up. It not only offers a lighthearted and realistic approach to deal with the serious and unresolved issues of life but also offers a palpable means to cope with them. The book also delivers empowering messages to the reader and assures him of the fact that he is not alone in this battle. There are countless others who are confronting challenges every day and looking for ways to overcome them. Jennifer Bon’s book is the quintessential response to all of them.

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Apart from scoring high on relatability, an interesting aspect of the book is the strategic manner of developing the ideas in different precise paragraphs with very apt and relevant titles. In fact, such a methodical sequence is possible only by one who is a teacher and a writer at the same time. Being well versed in psychology and the inexplicable workings of the human mind is an added advantage for sure. Further the author’s decades of therapeutic experience and her easy amicable narrative style makes her suggestions and counsel, authentic and applicable.

An interesting aspect of the book is the development of the ‘Burden’ and ‘Blessing’ dichotomy and how Jennifer shows that it lies in us to identify every moment or situation in our life as one among the two and the potential to transform one into the other.

Whether you want to become an excuse maker or a challenge breaker is your choice and the entire book is an emancipating journey from the former to the latter.

Of course embracing your brokenness and imperfections in the process as they are an indispensable part of your existence!

By: Quotidian Tales

This article and the opinions expressed in it are personal opinions. It is not meant for imposing specific views or endorsing a particular way of life. Also please do ignore any errors or omissions that you might come across. We pledge to learn from them. Happy viewing.


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