Book Review : Explain Alzheimer's

Yet another enlightening book by Dr. Laurie Zelinger!

Little do we comprehend Alzheimer's disease or its victims. It is still newly found for many with very complex, challenging, and changing behaviors.

Cover page of book

A comprehensive book that explains Alzheimer's

The book "Please Explain 'Alzheimer's Disease' to Me" by Dr. Laurie Zelinger serves as a consolidated guide for every parent and caregiver. The illustrations in the book weave a beautiful story of Seth, a little boy, and his grandma. We, in turn, get a vivid picture of the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Later in the book, the readers also find answers to several questions they might have in mind about the illness.

In 2020, 6 million adults in the United States alone were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, which is a large number by itself and that we further expect to increase.

This book will help families proficiently manage - when they have to engage with kids about questions regarding Alzheimer's disease. You can only imagine how confusing and scary it can become for young children, especially if someone very close to the family is diagnosed with the disease. Little kids are often confused about the behavior of their elder ones. It is difficult for parents to find pertinent knowledge and aid to explain it to the kids. That is when "Please Explain 'Alzheimer's Disease' to Me" emerges as the sole supporting pillar!

Another worthwhile remark is how relevant statistics are mentioned in the book by Dr. Zelinger. It draws our attention to the subject and allows us to apprehend its importance.

"Please Explain 'Alzheimer's Disease' to Me" Review

Dr. Zelinger has provided an engaging book that presents important information in a user-friendly format and offers adults the foundation for easily engaging children in what may initially seem like a very difficult discussion. I will be sure to recommend this resource to everyone I know in the ‘sandwich generation.'
Shane S. Bush, Ph.D., ABPP, Board Certified in Geropsychology, President, American Board of Geropsychology

Dr. Zelinger’s book helps take the mystery out of a truly mystifying disease. The children’s story will help reduce the anxiety and fear a child may have when faced with one suffering from Alzheimer’s, and the adult portion of this book gives practical examples to help guide the adult when questions arise. A truly informative and inspired book.
Marilyn Cherney, occupational therapist; grandmother

Dr. Zelinger takes a painful topic for both children and parents alike and turns it into a beautiful story and a detailed handbook that gives us the tools we need to broach a topic we all hope to never have to face. This book is a must-read for families facing the challenges that come along with a loved one experiencing Alzheimer’s disease.
Avi Satt, president, Allegria Senior Living

This book is exclusive and elaborate! It is a must-read for every friend and family who has their dear ones suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

By: Quotidian Tales

This article and the opinions expressed in it are personal opinions. It is not meant for imposing specific views or endorsing a particular way of life. Also please do ignore any errors or omissions that you might come across. We pledge to learn from them. Happy viewing.


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