The Note on a LampPost
I read about humanity and wanted to share it with you
Today, walking by the road, I saw a white note in a plastic bag. It was hanging from the lamppost. I went by the lamppost and read the words. It said, "I have lost a 50 dollar bill around somewhere here. If you find it, please can you return it to me." And then below it was an address.
I went to that address and found a very old and feeble lady resting on the front porch. Hearing my rustle, she called out, "who is there?" I quickly went forward and told her I came to return her 50-dollar bill that I found by the lamppost. She instantly burst into tears and said that at least twenty other people had come to give her back the money and even so when she hadn't written the note on the lamppost.

I insisted that she keep the $50 bill from me. She genuinely thanked me and brought me a glass of water from inside. When I was about to leave, she, in turn, requested that I tear up the note on the lamppost so that no one walked up to her door with the money again. I assured her and left.
On my way back, I thought, the old lady probably had requested each one to tear up the note, yet no one did. Surprisingly, another man comes to me with a $50 bill asking for the same address. I directed him to the old lady's house, prayed for the good soul who wrote the note, and resumed my walk home.
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
— Mother Teresa
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”
— Dalai Lama
“The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.”
— Leo Tolstoy
By: Joyeeta Mukherjee
This article and the opinions expressed in it are personal opinions. It is not meant for imposing specific views or endorsing a particular way of life. Also please do ignore any errors or omissions that you might come across. We pledge to learn from them. Happy viewing.