Is it Good to Brood on Yesterday?

As you constantly relive memories that fill you up with remorse or pain. What does it mean to Brood on Yesterday? It means that you keep thinking about a regretful past. In your mind, you repeatedly experience an event or situation that upset you, which can be injurious to your mental health. You might pity yourself for making poor choices or think about how you could have done things differently. Some people think that brooding is a form of self-reflection that helps acknowledge previous mistakes and learn from them. However, brooding is like worrying and grueling oneself over errors of the past; hence, it is not in any way useful or healthy. What happens when you Brood on Yesterday? There is nothing wrong with recalling an episode of the past for insight and finding a solution to a recurring problem. You understand that you didn’t do your best before and that there is always room for improvement. When you brood, you let a former incident overwhelm you by ...