Book Review : Explain Alzheimer's

Yet another enlightening book by Dr. Laurie Zelinger ! L ittle do we comprehend Alzheimer's disease or its victims. It is still newly found for many with very complex, challenging, and changing behaviors. A comprehensive book that explains Alzheimer's The book "Please Explain 'Alzheimer's Disease' to Me" by Dr. Laurie Zelinger serves as a consolidated guide for every parent and caregiver. The illustrations in the book weave a beautiful story of Seth, a little boy, and his grandma. We, in turn, get a vivid picture of the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Later in the book, the readers also find answers to several questions they might have in mind about the illness. In 2020, 6 million adults in the United States alone were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, which is a large number by itself and that we further expect to increase. This book will help families proficiently manage - when they have to engage with kids a...